Ugrad Projects
Various undergraduate projects at SNU
Virtual 3D Volleyball (Computer Graphics, 2001)
- Was a team project with a teammate.
- Was an interactive 3D game.
- Converted 2D picatzu volley ball game into a 3D environment.
- Used the Open GL library and the Visual Studio 6.0 in a Windows platform.
Real Time Strategy Game for SnowBall Fight (Project 2, 2002)
- Was a team project with five other members.
- Was an interactive 3D game.
- Tried to implement Real-Time Strategy Game for snowball fight.
- Implemented direct selection in 3D environment.
- Implemented path-find algorithms and terrain map.
- Used the Open GL library and the Visual Studio 6.0 in a Windows platform.
Hexagoal Tortoise Problem Solving with Hybrid GAs (Genetic Algorithms, 2005)
- Is a basically NP-hard problem.
- Used Near-By-Search Algorithm(Modified 2-Opt) for local optimization.
- Solved the 110 size problem and Suggested the optimal solution.
- Tried the 182 size and Suggested the closest optimum.
Active Contour Model Demo (Digital Signal Processing, 2005)
- ACM is a new way of acquiring contour lines in a image.
- Was a team project with two other members.
- Implemented ACM algorithm based on a thesis, “On Active Contour Models and Balloons” by Laurent D. Cohen.
NACHOS Project (Operating System, 2001)
- Was a team project with two other members.
- Implemented the following features for the NACHOS OS.
- Synchronization
- Thread & Synchronization
- Virtual Memory
- System Call & Multi Programming
- File System
MIPS-like CPU Design using Xilinx Software (Computer System Design, 2001)
The main objective for the project was originally designing a serial communication module with FPGA.
- Was a team project with a teammate.
- Designed a simple MIPS-like CPU and its instruction set.
- Programmed an assembler for the designed instruction set.
- Used rewritable ROM to store the data.
- Was able to echo the serial communication with a PC.
- Used polling mechanism to read inputs from the serial controller.
Dance Dance Revolution with LCD arrays (Logic Design Lab, 2000)
- Was an interactive game on a circuit board.
- Used 5x10 LCD arrays to display game board.
- Used five push-button switches as an input method.
- Used VHDL with ABEL language.
- Used 64Kb ROM to store the game data.
Final Term Project “My memories” (Photography, 2002)
- BW photo development
- 8x11 inch size prints